With adequate education and preventative care, we believe it is entirely possible, with few exceptions, for a child to reach adulthood without incidence of Early Childhood Caries. At Associates in Pediatric Dentistry, one of our main goals is to educate our area’s teachers, parents and children about the importance of dental health.
In view of that goal, we offer a Dental Health Education Program as a community service available to both private and public schools (Pre-K through First Grade). The children have fun as they learn about dental health and ways to prevent dental disease. Our interactive program, best suited to small groups of no more than thirty children, features Dudley the Dinosaur, our office mascot.
Children are taught the proper way to brush and floss, the ways in which nutrition plays a role in preventative care and are shown several items commonly used by the dental staff during a dental visit. We wish to both educate children and eliminate common fears held by many children as first dental visits are scheduled.
We would appreciate the opportunity to visit your child’s school with our message of dental health. Please contact our office for details.
Additionally, Associates in Pediatric Dentistry takes part in events held during February, Dental Health Month. We work with the Greater Baton Rouge Dental Association in order to reach the children of our communities. Several events are held at the public libraries in our area during February. We also participate in events sponsored by the American Dental Association.
We are determined to spread the message of preventative dental health and make a difference in the lives of children.